
Teko is a collection of unique blends of herbs, spices and teas brought to you from every corner of Indonesia. We rely on the quality of our blends with the help of nature's healing hands to bring you the best experience and healthies choices. At TeKo we only use the highest quality ingredients!

Indonesia is one of the biggest tea producers in the world. The7 th ranking after China, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka. However due to to the high demand for palm oil, the land used to harvesansft tea is in decline as some tea plantations are being tranformed into palm oil plantations.

Our mission at TEKO is to bring high quality Indonesian tea to the world and increase the acreage of the platations. Our goal is to source out the best quality teas, herbs and spices across the archipelago and blend them together using high standard of quality to insure taste,freshness and health benefits.